ILS Case Manager

Catherine Wignall

Occupational Therapist | Adults
Bath - within 2 hours travel time


  • 14 years Case Management experience
  • Brain Injury Rehabilitation
  • Challenging Behaviour
  • Cognitive Rehabilitation & Adjustment
  • Mental Health
  • Recruiting & Managing 24 hour care teams
  • Setting up and managing rehabilitation teams
  • Spinal Injury
  • Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Wealth of Experience as a Qualified Occupational Therapist
  • Working with Adults & Young People with an Acquired Brain Injury

Key Skills

  • Strong advocate for clients
  • Managing effective therapy and support packages
  • Developing rehabilitation plans to action identified recommendations
  • Compassionate and empathetic
  • Providing support and education to families and carers
  • Clear concise reports


I have worked with ILS as a Case Manager since 2010.

I qualified as an Occupational therapist in Exeter later gaining a Master of sciences degree at Kings College culminating in research into Brain injury rehabilitation and outcomes.

I have over 30 years’ experience in Neuro-rehabilitation and have worked in various settings from acute inpatient rehabilitation, through to outreach and community. I have worked in Australia and in the UK for the NHS, private and charitable sectors.

I am a dedicated professional who enjoys using my Occupational Therapy skills to promote the very best outcomes for my clients working to achieve their goals.

I have excellent communication skills and make sure I am flexible in my approach to meet the needs of my clients and their families.

Previous Clinical Experience

2010 – Present, Case Manager & Occupational Therapist with Independent Living Solutions.

Catherine manages a complex case load, supporting the rehabilitation of adults who have sustained a brain injury. Catherine’s experience includes recruiting and managing directly recruited care teams in addition to her clinical work.

2008 to 2013

Senior Occupational Therapist at Frenchay Brain Injury Rehabilitation Centre. Assessing, planning and implementing goal based inpatient and community rehabilitation programmes for adults with complex physical, cognitive, behavioural and adjustment difficulties.

Senior Occupational Therapist at Glenside Manor, Salisbury. Brain Injury Rehabilitation. And Senior Occupational Therapist Dorset Healthcare, Poole Hospital, acute and community brain injury rehabilitation.

Lead Occupational Therapist St Mary’s NHS Trust, London. Catherine managed the neuro rehabilitation and elderly care Occupational Therapy teams, and had clinical caseload, supervision, support, training, recruiting and budgeting responsibilities.

Lead Neuro Occupational Therapist at the TLU, Royal Hospital for Neuro Disability, Putney. Catherine was involved in the initial planning and development of the new inpatient unit set up for community rehabilitation for patients with brain injury and other neurological conditions.

Professional Qualifications & Affiliations

  • Advanced Registered Practitioner, British Association of Brain Injury and Complex Case Management (BABICM)
  • Registered with HPCP (Health Professions Council)
  • Member of BAOT (British Association of Occupational Therapists)

Maintaining Excellence

Catherine is committed to maintaining her skills and abilities and engages readily in varied training supported by Independent Living Solutions Ltd which includes the following areas:

  • Capacity and Consent
  • Safeguarding Adult 03/04/23
  • Recruitment and Employment
  • Litigation
  • Management of Risk
  • Moving and Handling
  • GDPR